Save Boston's Waterfront
Save Boston’s Waterfront advocates for an inclusive, climate resilient, and accessible vision for the 42-acres of the downtown waterfront–a waterfront for all. The entirety of this area is protected by the Massachusetts Public Waterfront Act (Chapter 91).
As such, this is a place that should be shaped through a city-wide community process that puts the public interest before those of private developers. Boston’s public waterfront is full of history and so much potential for our shared future. We need to act to address the impacts of climate change and inequality.
Save Boston’s Waterfront works to promote a future for our downtown waterfront that is built upon equity and inclusion, climate resiliency, and a principled approach to planning that puts people first.
This effort is supported by the New England Aquarium.
Planning for a Welcoming, Inclusive, and Accessible Waterfront
As we prepare for climate change and sea-level rise, we have a unique opportunity to formalize an updated approach to waterfront planning and development that offers economic, recreational, and housing opportunities that benefit our entire city. Any process for the downtown waterfront must incorporate climate resilience, equity, and accessibility into comprehensive master planning that engages residents from every corner of our city.
With global sea level predicted to rise up to three feet in the next 50 years, we are at a critical turning point. In preparing for a climate ready future, we also have the opportunity to address another critical issue: access. It has become abundantly clear in recent months that inclusive public spaces, particularly those connected to the water, are key to the health of our community.