40 Organizations From Across Boston Launch New Coalition To Elevate Waterfront Issues In Advance Of 2021 City Election


patch.com... Read More → 40 Organizations From Across Boston Launch New Coalition To Elevate Waterfront Issues In Advance Of 2021 City Election

"FutureSHORELINE," an art installation by Carolina Aragón along Fort Point Channel, imagines how high the water will rise in coming decades. (Courtesy Matt Conti)

Fort Point Channel Sculptures Model How High The Water Could Rise In The City


WBUR | Shira Laucharoen... Read More → Fort Point Channel Sculptures Model How High The Water Could Rise In The City

Waterfront Access as a Public Asset = Social Justice


Charlestown Patriot-Bridge | Letter to the Editor... Read More → Waterfront Access as a Public Asset = Social Justice

Drafted representation of the Pinnacle at Central Wharf.

Three mayoral candidates want to rethink developer Don Chiofaro’s controversial waterfront tower plan


Boston Globe... Read More → Three mayoral candidates want to rethink developer Don Chiofaro’s controversial waterfront tower plan

Boston Globe and Environmental League of Massachusetts’s Boston Mayoral Candidate Forum on Energy & the Environment


To hear what the candidates have to say about the Harbor Garage development, watch at 1:23:22... Read More → Boston Globe and Environmental League of Massachusetts’s Boston Mayoral Candidate Forum on Energy & the Environment

Five priorities for Boston’s waterfront


The landscape of the upcoming Boston mayoral race makes it abundantly clear that the city’s biggest... Read More → Five priorities for Boston’s waterfront

A new vision for Boston’s waterfront — and climate resiliency


Boston Globe | Opinion... Read More → A new vision for Boston’s waterfront — and climate resiliency

Letter to the Editor: We don’t need another giant tower blocking the waterfront


Boston Globe... Read More → Letter to the Editor: We don’t need another giant tower blocking the waterfront

A Boston Harbor coastal resiliency system? ‘Layered defense’


Boston Globe | Letter to the Editor... Read More → A Boston Harbor coastal resiliency system? ‘Layered defense’

Judge strikes down zoning for Pinnacle Tower


Banker & Tradesman... Read More → Judge strikes down zoning for Pinnacle Tower

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